Oh well - maybe the next owners will appreciate the power of convection cooking!

And here's the beginings of a kitchen island! Only 400 more lock nuts to go!

Also here is a photo of the new living room set. Much to our chagrin our old sofa had a manufacturing defect in the frame and it caused the chaise part to sag and make horrible noises of strain if we sat on it. So we called Harlem Furniture and they sent a repairman , the repair guy dubed it unfixable and said we would get a new chaise (score!). But a week later we got a call from Harlem saying we had 7 days to come get a new set to replace our broken one. What?! OK, great. So we get a zipcar and head over to Harlem Furniture, luckily we looked and there's one on Elston Ave in the public transportation dead zone (no train, no metra, only 1 stinkin bus). So we go in and after much arguing with the sales people - we got this new set. It's a little smaller and a darker brown, but I think it works better in the space. So it was a win win.