E got the track lighting up over the island... It is crazy bright in here now! I added 4 mini spot lights to the track that shine on the new cabinets. They are also handy when staring blindly into a cabinet looking for inspiration to strike! We ran into a snag with the toe-kicks... apparently we needed the legs under the kitchen to be unscrewed all the way (thanks IKEA, that was helpful to know in advance). But E is going to ask one of our friends in the building, they have a table saw, so that will make short work of that.
Short update, but I have a cold - been running around too much. My Dad and Uncle checked my Gran into a nursing home. It was the right decision for her best health, but running up and down the road doesn't help MY health!!
And a quick congrats to our blogger pals the
gharaiblets, they are adding a new member to their family! Congrats guys!!