Progress (?)
Here we are Memorial Day weekend - at home, slaving away. Actually all the trains were booked to Galesburg and we had plans with friends in town today - so no joy for visits downstate. (Sorry y'all - we'll come down as soon as we can). But this week we did get the rail up to hold up the cabinets and last weekend we bought all the drywall to build the closet. (Ladies, if you need to kill your husband have him carry double sheets of drywall alone!) But thanks to some Home Depot guys and some neighbors who've all been there, done that - we managed to get the 8 sheets of drywall in the elevator and into the condo. We WILL HAVE the rest of the cabinets together by end of day Monday and the stove WILL BE hooked up with the exhaust fan shortly thereafter, if not by Monday night. That way I can get some granite guys here and get the countertops installed as soon as possible. In other news my new job is going well and I think everyone is really happy with me there at the moment, and I'm happy there. So it's a win win. And with this new stable financial environment we can actually afford the work we're doing on the condo. Wow, how wierd is that?Any-hoo that's the news of the moment and look for an update on Monday night!
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