Saturday, March 24, 2007

Day of Destruction - part Duex

OK! So now the wall is gone! and we got a look at the mystery floor. I'll know more tomorrow after I use our brand new 7.25" circular Skil saw we got at the new Home Depot down the street. The guy at Lumber Liquidators recommended cutting along one of the seams to see whats under the floor. So tomorrow that's what I'm gonna do! Hopefully we'll be able to get a similar wood floor and patch the kitchen back together. Looks like there are 2 pieces of plywood and then the flooring, which unfortunately for me, is glue-down. ugh. anyway. Here's some more photos. Right now we're trying to figure out how to get rid of all the old cabinets and steel framing from the former wall. It's alot trickier when you don't have a car!

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