Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Found a floor guy

Thanks to a recommendation from a friend, we found a floor guy. He came from Angie's List and was reviewed well. The only issue is that he wants to sand the floor in the entire apartment so you won't notice the repair. whoo-hoo! So I think I can pile a lot of the furniture in the bedroom and bathroom - at least that area is far enough a way to not notice too much. Removing everything would be almost impossible. We may be able to put some stuff in the basement temporarily as well. What a total pain in the butt!! I could wait and re-sand the whole place when we sell - but then it'll just look bad until then. **sigh**


Viscouse said...

Didn't know about Angie's list, that's pretty cool.

Um, I think you're forgetting about the wicked high ceilings. Use your space to your advantage. Hang sofas, tables, lamps, etc from the ceiling! have fun with it, make an upside down room to store the furniture.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.